Why Are There No Pyramids or Ancient Temples in North America?

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Major manmade structures from ancient civilizations exist just about everywhere else on the planet, so why not on the greater part of the North American continent? A relatively new theory about the extinction of the Clovis peoples is perhaps the most viable reason for this phenomenon. They were wiped out by a comet and so mankind, (when it eventually re-migrated there), had to start from scratch, unlike Europe, North Africa, South America and most of the Far East where Stone evolved into Bronze and Iron Ages in situ.

It is now widely believed that the dinosaurs were wiped out by an asteroid sixty-five million years ago. Something so pre-historic sounds ‘safe’ but new evidence suggests that humans and mammal species were wiped out as recently as 10 900 years ago.

Not by a plague, a previously favored hypothesis, but by a 2-3 mile wide comet. The Clovis comet which resulted in the rapid extinction of North American Stone Age man, the mammoths (amongst other species), and it is also attributed to be a direct cause of the ice age.

Similar to the Tunguska event in Siberian, 1908, except a much larger comet would have exploded in the atmosphere with the force of thousands of nuclear bombs. This would have flattened an area many orders of magnitude greater than the 2000 square kilometers in Siberia, and the ensuing fire storms it created would have had a fall out range that spread from coast to coast. Those that did survive the initial impact would have died in the widespread wild fires or been asphyxiated. The forest and vegetation burned would have left little, for any life left alive, to survive on.

Further scientific evidence from paleontologists and scientists, who drilled into the artic glaciers, show that around the same period a thick layer of soot covered the continent. This would have blackened the extended polar ice cap, and instead of reflecting heat, it absorbed the suns energy, and accelerated the melting process.

“After that maybe we could build a pyramid!”
The Day Before the Clovis Comet

This in turn caused billions of tons of fresh water into the Gulf Stream, which changed the oceans currents and as a direct result, caused the last ice age. The ultimate cause and effect of rapid change to our global environment, which nearly brought early man everywhere to the brink of total extinction.

This leads to an interesting hypothesis as to why the North American continent was so comparatively under developed at the time of Columbus.

In almost every corner of the globe where Stone Age man survived the Clovis event, there is physical evidence of past great civilizations. On the South American continent there were the Mayan and Inca peoples, who built vast stone cities, temple and pyramids. The Aztecs of Central America too left their legacy in stone architecture.

In the Far East there is ample evidence of past civilizations who constructed sophisticated cites and built monuments that stand to this day. The Great Wall of China, in Thailand, Cambodia, Korea, India, everywhere population grew and people developed, civilizations came and went over the next millennia.

In Egypt, Syria, Greece, the Romans, even in England there is Stonehenge.  In Southern Africa where tribes were still slowly in the process of migrating southwards the Zimbabwe ruins are a monument that has stood for centuries. Yet in the lush North American continent nothing similar existed, with the most permanent manmade construction being perhaps a totem pole.

Could this be yet further proof that an extra terrestrial event of magnitude wiped out life on a single landmass? Considering that the rest of the world continued to develop would it be feasible to surmise that early North American man would have at least done something on par with ancient civilizations the world over.

Whilst theories of this nature have yet to be inconclusively proved, neither is there anything to refute this claim. In fact the more one thinks about it, the more obvious this becomes. Civilizations developed where ever populations and societies grew. The exception being the Mungo Man of Australia who were so thin on the ground  and so spread over the vast continent that complex society didn’t evolve.

This hypothesis is also referred to as the Younger Dryas impact event. The debate is still out there, but more and more scientific facts lean toward a comet being the most feasible explanation of why early man in North America vanished so abruptly. It is believed that nomadic hunters eventually returned centuries later with the thawing of the ice age, and began making their way back down from Alaska. Had the Clovis people not been exterminated, it isn’t out of the bounds of reality to think that they would have also developed into a society which constructed architecture which would have withstood millennia.

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